iZND Winners Notice - 2025 Global Advisory Experts Annual Awards
Winners Notice - 2025 Global Advisory Experts Annual Awards
Dear Jason Kua
I just wanted to follow up regarding your success in the 2025 Global Advisory Experts Annual Awards in the category of:
IT Outsourcing Advisory Firm of the Year in Malaysia - 2025
I just wanted to follow up regarding your success in the 2025 Global Advisory Experts Annual Awards in the category of:
IT Outsourcing Advisory Firm of the Year in Malaysia - 2025
You are invited to include a listing, half page or full page profile/advert to talk about your success and promote your full range of services. We will send you a printed version of the final publication if you take part, as well as an electronic version, a winners logo for your marketing material and you can also have full use of a PDF of your specific inclusion, (no extra charge), which you can use on your own website and send to current clients, potential clients and colleagues alerting them to your success. We can assist as much as you need in terms of collating or producing the material and we will send you the draft to approve before we publish anything.
There are three options to choose from for inclusion in the Awards Publication, you will also receive a 2025 winners' logo to use once confirmed:
1. Listing/Business Card – total cost £350 GBP (approx. $435 USD or €420 Euros)
2. Half Page Firm Profile – total cost £595 GBP (approx. $740 USD or €715 Euros)
3. Full Page Firm Profile – total cost £995 GBP (approx. $1235 USD or €1195 Euros)
Please let me know by Friday 21st March if you would like to be represented within the official publication.
The publication will ensure a formal record of the win is permanently on our website and in print. As I'm sure you can appreciate, the awards process costs us a lot in time, suppliers and staffing to ensure it is researched and managed as thoroughly as possible. For this reason, we rely entirely on the support of winners via the official awards publication to ensure our awards continue to be regarded amongst the most prestigious in the field.
The GAE website is widely respected and appreciated as a free and accessible resource for in-house counsel, directors of public and private companies, lawyers, financial advisers, financiers, banks, print/online media, ranking websites, wealthy individuals and the public in general looking for advisory assistance, no matter which jurisdiction they need the advice in.
I hope you choose to support the programme and look forward to hearing from you with your decision.
Congratulations again on your success.
Best regards,
James Bailey
Awards Manager
T: +44 (0) 870 977 1000
W: www.GlobalAdvisoryExperts.com