Best Performing CEOs to Watch in 2019
The 20 Best-Performing CEOs To Watch Out For In 2019.
Isaac Andy: Optimizing Clients’ Businesses With iZND’s One-Stop Solution

Isaac Andy, the Co-founder and CEO of iZND Services is an application developer, database administrator, and project manager in a wide variety of business applications. As a personal achievement, he was nominated by the Senate Committee Malaysian Honorary Doctorate Organization, which is under UN Global Education Centre by the International University of Peace.
Isaac’s Journey of Handling Complex Projects
The Beginning
It all began when IATA (International Airlines Ticketing Association) imposed the final deadline for all airlines to be e-ticketing compliance by the end of 2008. At that time, Isaac was representing IBM, heading the Desktop Management that manages the IT Outsourcing for Malaysia Airlines. There was a special IBM project team called PSS (Passenger Support System) assigned for the e-ticketing migration for Malaysia Airlines.
Leading the Project in Critical Situations
Isaac was the one who initially designed and implemented the infrastructure of the entire Malaysia Airlines’ system since 2000. When he was also involved in the PSS project as the Technical Leader, the work was to facilitate an airlines IT service provider called SITA to implement their solution on Malaysia Airlines. Additionally, the team also needed to co-ordinate the global deployment/migration after the testing of solution. However, SITA was not able to start their system in operational mode. As a result, it would have restricted Malaysia Airlines to fly out of the country.
Isaac decided to take this up and worked restlessly for two whole weeks. Finally, his prior experience helped him to find the solution, which was tested and re-verified for operational working. Today, utilizing Isaac’s solution, SITA is recognized as the leading company in IT & Telecommunication services of the air transport industry, which manages 90% of the world’s airlines business.
Improving Clients Business Performance with iZND Services
After his previous experience of working in critical projects, Isaac founded iZND Services in 2012. It has always been Isaac’s passion to help businesses increase efficiency by automating redundant tasks. Isaac believes that streamlining business processes helps an organization to improve productivity and strategically align it to become more competitive.
Supporting his mission with iZND Services, Isaac reduces customers’ costs and complexities in their businesses, which in turn increases their operational efficiency. His company provides customers with a repeatable and proven process that delivers consistent end-results according to clients’ needs. iZND Services along with its group of companies collaborates with clients through its Partner Expert Leveraging Program. It works with companies to deliver superior quality to their clients. It also helps clients’ to enhance their business performance, improve margins, align technology with business priorities, reduce costs, improve service speed and flexibility, and achieve long-term success. Its complete spectrum of infrastructure outsourcing services enables them to build and manage a highly available, reliable IT infrastructure. This infrastructure is capable of meeting the dynamic needs of its clients’ businesses in a multi-sourcing scenario.
One-Stop Solutions at iZND
Isaac and his team at iZND Services have broad experience in providing IT Services. They have invested extensive resources and developed a mature Managed IT Services Program, Cloud Computing Solutions, and Professional IT Project Delivery. iZND Services provides a managed services program featuring a dedicated team of hardware and software professionals specialized in developing services and products to meet customers’ needs and best interests.
Focusing on providing one-stop solution approach, Isaac and his team understand that eliminating confusion when it comes to support tools is important to the success of reducing any downtime encountered by the organization. At iZND Service, they work on offering quality solutions including IT Infrastructure and Management Services as well as Domain Registration and Cloud Hosting services.
Additionally, following are some of the unique iZND solutions:
- iZND GPS Tracking Solution:
iZNDGPS Server scales from small installations to thousands of vehicles and operators. The platform supports hundreds of different tracking devices, a large number of maps and languages. Big companies and tracking partners can create separate tracking applications for different departments or customers on a single iZND GPS Server installation. The platform offers real-time GPS tracking of multiple vehicles in a web browser. A live view of the entire vehicle fleet gives the user full control of it. The best vehicle can be dispatched for a job and specific vehicles can be followed when required. Alerts and notifications are instantly available in the application. Moreover, it sends emails and/or SMS alerts in case of vehicle theft, high temperature, speeding, excessive idling, off hour’s vehicle usage or geo-fence violations.
- Google Business View Service
iZND Google Business View Service in the partnership with Google offers Virtual Tour of clients’ businesses and panoramic photo editing using Google Maps technology. Clients’ get featured for their Google Local Page, website, social media pages, online directories, and marketing/publishing material. In addition, the interactive Google Virtual Business tour will be hosted on their local page at no additional cost.
24/7 Customer Support
After implementing the solution, Isaac’s team manages the hardware, software, network, security, and backup specifically configured to clients’ needs. Moreover, 24/7/365 Automated Helpdesk system from iZND monitors the current IT Infrastructure of customer to ensure it runs optimally. Therefore, the company becomes a trusted IT partner to consistently improve efficiencies & increase productivity of clients’ businesses through its collaboration & mobility tools. In the future, these tools will enable the client to strategically improve business process to tackle upcoming challenges in the industry. Therefore, clients’ can focus on what they specialize in and pay attention to what really is important for their businesses.