How To Install Paid App Without Jailbreaking Your iOS Devices without using a PC (directly on your Device)
How To Install Paid App Without Jailbreaking Your iOS Devices without using a PC (directly on your Device)
OS Supported : iOS 4.0 - 7.0 Device Supported : iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch
1. Installing PPHelper on your iOS Device
- Launch Safari on you iOS Devices,
- Enter the following url
At the Website, select on the 点击安装 Button [highlighted with Red rectangle]
- Select Install to proceed with installing the PPHelper App on your device
- You will find the PPHelper icon on your Home Screen
2. Using PPHelper directly on you iOS Device to Install Paid Apps
- Launch the PPHelper by running the Icon
- Select the 2nd Tab at the bottom of the screen
- Select Search icon on 2nd tab at the bottom of the screen
- Enter the ‘Name of the Paid App’ you wish to download in the Search box (at the top of the screen)