Guide on Installing OpenWhatsapp on your BB10
Here are simple steps to get OpenWhatsapp running on your BlackBerry 10
Step 1: Download OpenWhatsapp to your computer
Download OpenWhatsapp .bar installation file from this page.
Step 2: Install/ Side load it into your phone
- To install from you computer to device, you need to enable development mode on your phone. Open phone settings, Security and Privacy, Development Mode. and Enable Development Mode
- Take note of the IP address you see on your phone's screen as you will use it in next steps.
Now there are several ways to transfer and install it on your device:
Install through Google Chrome/ Chromium:
- Install PlayBook App Manager Google Chrome Extension.
- In the extension page, enter the IP address you have noted down before, and click save.
- After you save, click on the IP address shown at the bottom under "Manage your device"
- In the next page, click the "Install App" button, and select the OpenWhatsapp .bar file you downloaded
- Wait until it finishes and you're done.
Install through Firefox
To install the extension on firefox, open this page from your Firefox browser and follow the instructions
Install using DDPB
You can also install to your phone through DDPB.for Windows
- Download DDPB through this link and install it. Make sure you check this page for its requirements.
- In DDPB, enter the IP address you have previously noted down in the displayed field and click connect.
- When it connects, click the "Add" button at the top and select the OpenWhatsapp .bar file
- Click the install button
That's all. If you are facing any installation problems, let me know in a comment.