Trend Micro: Site Safety Center Feedback -

From: Site Safety Center <>
Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 10:21 PM
Subject: Site Safety Center Feedback
To: <>

On 01:59 PM, Apr 29, 2024 UTC, you have submitted a reclassification request to Trend Micro.
We have processed your request and below is the result.

URL hxxps://hosting[.]izndgroup[.]com
New Safety Rating
(originally rated as "Unrated" by Trend Micro)
We have checked on the website, the new result is
New Content Type
(originally categorized as "Newly Observed Domain" by Trend Micro)
We have checked on the website, the new result is
Computers / Internet;Noteworthy

***The system updated the URL submission to prevent this notification from being detected as spam or phishing mail.***

Trend Micro