Dr Isaac G. Andy | Queen Victoria Commemorative Medal Project : for virtue, bravery and integrity (Oxford UK) : March 19, 2021
Dr Isaac Andy, recepient of the Queen Victoria Commemorative Medal Project : for virtue, bravery and integrity (Oxford UK)
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2021 at 10:08 PM
Subject: attn: Dr Isaac G. Andy : Queen Victoria Commemorative Medal Project : for virtue, bravery and integrity (Oxford UK) : March 19, 2021
To: Dr Isaac G. Andy
Subject: attn: Dr Isaac G. Andy : Queen Victoria Commemorative Medal Project : for virtue, bravery and integrity (Oxford UK) : March 19, 2021
To: Dr Isaac G. Andy
We kindly ask that you pass this document to Dr Isaac G. Andy, CEO, iZND Group (Malaysia).
Dear Dr Isaac G. Andy,
On behalf of the online Achievements Forum 2021 organizing committee, we would like to express our deepest respect to your, as the head of the head of top regional company which embodies the principles of corporate social responsibility in business strategy and operations.
Every spring, we analyse the relevant business information from the previous year and honour the prominent companies and CEOs who have demonstrated success on a regional level.
It`s my pleasure to inform that you has been selected as the nominee for the international honour the 'Queen Victoria Commemorative Medal' (Trade mark number: UK00003092481, British Intellectual Property Office).
I attach the official nomination letter for your attention (pdf-attachment).
We offer you the distant participation package.
The online Achievements Forum-2021 and presentation of regional business leaders will take place on March 19th.
This year due to world pandemic the event will be held online.
Kindly contact me in case you are interested in distant participation and attributes courier delivery.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Julia Chambers
Europe Business Assembly Coordinator
A: 2 Woodin's Way Oxford OX1 1HF United Kingdom
T: +44 785 216 06 05, +44 186 579 43 62
March, 19 : The Achievements Forum-2021 : Promising Regions in Focus